These 15 tips will overcome your husband’s snoring

Trying to ignore your snoring husband in bed can cause nightmares. Try one of these 15 tips to stop your partner from snoring and finally get a good night's sleep.


Snoring can be caused by many things: weight, tiredness, the throat, etc. It is certainly a sound that can stop you from falling asleep, it can affect the quality of your sleep or even your relationship. There are many effective solutions to stop or reduce your snoring. Here are 15 helpful tips that will hopefully help you catch a better night of sleep.

15.  Take a hot shower before going to bed


Snoring occurs when the airflow through the throat or nasal passages is unnaturally tightened (when awake, your body automatically prevents this from occurring). This is why fast air that goes through the clogged nasal passages often causes snoring. Experts recommend taking a hot shower before going to bed.

14. Stay hydrated

When dehydrated, your mouth and nose are at risk of becoming sticky, which leads to more snoring, according to WebMD. Women should drink 11.5 cups of fluid per day, 20% of which comes from what they eat.

13. Mouth exercises to alleviate snoring

Try pushing the tip of your tongue against your mouth palate and sliding it to the back. A Brazilian study recently published in the CHEST Journal that mouth exercises significantly reduced snoring in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

12. Get a bedside humidifier

If you are in a hot and dry room, it will be hard to inhale properly, which increases the risk of congestion, according to John M. Dobrowski, MD, Certified Sleep Specialist and Otolaryngologist at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Hospital in Boston. Using a bedside humidifier, such as the Crane Drop Shape Cool Mist Humidifier, can help.

11. Sleeping on your side

When you sleep on the side, you no longer block your throat and you get to breathe more easily.

Tip: add a barrier (like a pillow) near your lower back. Every time you try to lie on your back, it will stop you from doing it.

10. Lose some weight

If you are overweight, your organs could be blocking the air flow in your body, which causes snoring. Obesity also increases the chances of suffering from sleep apnea.

9. Blow your nose before going to bed

With a nose full of mucus, you breathe through your mouth which leads to snore. Before going to bed, blow your nose a few time to free your nasal passages and benefit from air circulation. You can purchase a saline spray to make it even easier.

8. Nasal strips

Your problem could be caused by your nasal cavity since snoring can occur when it’s too small or congested. Nasal strips are sold at the supermarket, and they open your nasal passages to let the air circulate freely.

7. Wear earplugs

This tip is for the person who is stuck listening to the person snoring. Earplugs can give you a few hours of peace.

6. Natural remedies

You can alleviate your snoring with many kinds of herbal tea. Here is our favorite homemade tea recipe to help open your nasal passages.

5. Watch your diet

Eating before sleeping usually causes snoring. Same for alcohol because it relaxes the muscles in your throat which usually make you snore.

4. Schedule an appointment with your doctor

There are medical conditions that require surgery. You may have a deviation from the nasal tract or sinusitis. A doctor will help to figure out what’s best for you.

3. Sleep in different rooms

If you have tried every single tip and they all failed, you can try sleeping in a separate room. For a healthy relationship, this may be the best solution.

2. Wear a noise canceling device

If your husband or wife is snoring, consider buying a noise canceling device. This device will not treat the problem, but it will treat at least the most irritating part of it: the noise. Silent Partner, a portable device currently funded by crowdfunding, uses noise canceling technology to lower the sound of snoring. Genius, right?

1. Clean your house

Your environment can influence the quality of the air and can cause snoring. Clean your room regularly and wash your sheets often to reduce dust and improve air quality.

Sources :

  • Medisite
  • Reader’s Digest
  • Remèdes de grand-mère
  • Woman’s Day