10 objects you should never leave in your bathroom

If you think you can store any objects in your bathroom, forget about it! Here are some objects you should never leave in this room.


Most of us don’t think about how humid and warm bathrooms can affect the things we store there. It can actually damage a lot of our stuff. Because of the humidity, you should find a new place to store your makeup, your jewellery, your towels, and more. Here are 10 objects that you should never leave in your bathroom. 

1. Medication


Don’t be fooled by your medicine cabinet: the bathroom is not made for medication, since it is subject to humidity and fluctuant temperatures. Instead of putting them in there, keep your prescriptions at an ambient temperature (between 68 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit).

2. Jewellery


The humid environment of your bathroom can accelerate the oxidation process of your jewellery and tarnish them, even if you’re not wearing them in the shower. You should keep your precious objects in a cool and dry room to keep them looking great longer.

3. Makeup


Regardless if you wear powder makeup, cream products or liquid makeup: everything needs to be kept at room temperature and not in your bathroom.

4. Perfume


As with your beauty products, you should always keep your perfume outside your bathroom. Even if your first thought is to show off the pretty bottles in the room, know that heat and humidity speed up the oxidation process and provoke a quicker deterioration of your perfume.

5. Non waterproof electronics


We know, there is nothing better than belting out your favourite song in the shower. But high himidity makes non waterproff technology become vulnerable to damages. Our advice: choose a waterproof speaker to be sure you don’t damage it.

6. Bedding


Since bathrooms often cause mold, you should keep your bedding far from this room. Turn on your fan as often as you can to also help air out the towels you use after your shower.

7. Books


It is tempting to keep a few books in this room, but humidity will damage the pages from your favourite books and magazines, so you should keep them in a cool and dry place when they aren’t being used.

8. Nail polish


Even if your nail polish has a 2 year lifespan, if you keep it in your bathroom with its fluctuating temperatures, you might have to throw it out earlier. Instead of this, keep your nail polish bottles in a humidity-free room, like your bedroom.

9. Extra razor blades


Even if your razor is secure in your shower or in your medicine cabinet, keep your extra blades in another room. Why? Humidity and steam from your shower can weaken and rust your blades before you even had a chance to use them.

10. Bar soap

If you want to easily clean your bathroom, you should avoid using a bar of soap, at least in this room. Use a liquid soap with a pump or a hands-free dispenser to eliminate the need to clean the soap dish or to clean the dirty counter every 2-3 days.


Good Housekeeping