These hacks will completely change your beauty routine

It is quite nice to use beauty products and face creams that smell nice and make our skin bright and hydrated. These products help us feel more...

These old wives tricks will completely change your beauty routine

Grandmothers know a great deal of tricks. These tricks are often passed from one generation to the next and it is not without reason. It is because they are...

Tips to enhanced beauty using cosmetics

When we get older, our way of using our beauty products can change and it is clear that we do not use the same cosmetics at 20...

It can be practical to reuse banana peels in the house

It's no secret that bananas are good for you: they contain a lot of fibre, they moderate blood sugar and are high in potassium. However, when you've...

Here’s why you should always have coconut oil at home

You probably know what coconut oil is from seeing it on one of the shelves at your grocery store. No wonder, many people use this oil to cook...

Many women make these mistakes using their mascara

Most women often or regularly use mascara. It is a makeup bag staple. It's affordable and allows us to add a bit of oomph to our look...

Protect your face from these harmful products

According to The Telegraph, women use an average of 16 cosmetic or skin care products per day. It is therefore not surprising that the beauty industry is...

Create more volume in your hair with these simple and natural tricks

Most people want beautiful, silky hair with tons of volume like they show in magazines. However, we often think that to obtain these luscious locks, we need to...

Tips To Reuse Old Clothes (Upcycling)

You have a lot of clothes you've had for a long time but don't wear anymore because you find the design isn't nice anymore or you're just tired of the...

These tricks avoid me to wash my hair every day

You probably already know that washing your hair every day is not good for your scalp. Indeed, washing your hair every day makes your hair become oily, faster. It...