Say goodbye to weeds in your backyard for once and for all

With constant and proper care, gardens can become a small paradise on earth. Yet, gardeners know that having a garden is not necessarily an easy task, and weeds...

Here are our top 15 most hallucinating inventions ever

Humans have been creating and inventing things for hundreds and hundreds of years and some of these most amazing inventions have helped to revolutionize the way we live today. Most of innovations...

These tips for your home appliances will save you time and money

We all have tons of appliances in our homes. Even though they can be quite expensive, they are essential to our daily lives. They make our life...

Here are some great tips to clean the bathtub without much effort

The bathroom can easily be the dirtiest room in the house. The bath and the shower can quickly show traces of mould and dirt. It can also...

5 perfect ways to quickly stretch your too tight shoes

This has probably already happened to you: You go to a store and buy a beautiful pair of shoes and then when you get home you realize...

Create more volume in your hair with these simple and natural tricks

Most people want beautiful, silky hair with tons of volume like they show in magazines. However, we often think that to obtain these luscious locks, we need to...

14 new ways to use your microwave

Sold for the first time in 1946, the microwave is now, 70 years later, one of the most used kitchen appliances of all time. It allows you...

Everything you need to know to keep your hair perfect during the summer season

The summer season brings its share of joys, but it also brings some disadvantages. Indeed, the heat can be very unpleasant, especially when the mercury rises high. Not...

10 super simple hairstyles for those who have no time

Not all women have time in the morning to spend one hour on their beauty routine. If you seem to never have enough time and that you...

15 Things No One Should Do To Have Beautiful Skin

Although many companies sell so-called "miracle" products that can give you younger-looking skin or flawless skin, it is sometimes the actions we take every day that makes...