Meghan Markle swears by these simple beauty hacks

The women from the British Royal family have glorious lives. It's therefore no wonder that they swear by some ingenious little fashion to be comfortable while still...

15 incredible tricks to have perfect lashes all the time

Most women do not have too much difficulty applying their mascara. They often do it with a mechanical-like flick, in the morning, between two sips of coffee....

10 super simple hairstyles for those who have no time

Not all women have time in the morning to spend one hour on their beauty routine. If you seem to never have enough time and that you...

These hacks will completely change your beauty routine

It is quite nice to use beauty products and face creams that smell nice and make our skin bright and hydrated. These products help us feel more...

Here are 30 hair colours trending for next summer!

Whether you prefer to have ash blonde hair, to have them a seductive chocolate brown, to have a flamed ombré or colour your hair in fantastic colours...

Create more volume in your hair with these simple and natural tricks

Most people want beautiful, silky hair with tons of volume like they show in magazines. However, we often think that to obtain these luscious locks, we need to...

25 Most Beautiful Girl’s First Names Forgotten With Years

It's never easy when it comes for moms to find the perfect first names for their babies, looking at names can become arduous but rare old names...

Tips to enhanced beauty using cosmetics

When we get older, our way of using our beauty products can change and it is clear that we do not use the same cosmetics at 20...

Here are some surprising reasons why your hair falls out

Losing your hair is terrifying, especially for a woman: your mane is often a symbol of your femininity, and a sign of your beauty, so losing your hair can...