Say goodbye to wasps once and for all

One of the pleasures of the summertime is obviously to take advantage of your own patio in your backyard. However, sometimes it can be quite unpleasant to...

If You See Square Waves In The Ocean Get Out Of The Water Immediately

Going out in nature is refreshing and relaxing, but there is always a danger that can be waiting for you only a few steps away from you....

7 Bathroom Tricks That Will Save Your Toilet From Looking Like a Trash Can

There is no need for your bathroom to look like a trash can. Don't escalade to a dirty toilet and a rusted shower. Use one of our...

Your dog should sleep with you in your bed, here’s why

If you have a dog, you know how much attention these little animals require on a daily basis. Whether it's during the day when they want to...

Here is how to remove 10 kinds of stains in no time

It's always annoying to stain your favourite sweater while cooking a chicken in butter or to stain your carpet with a beer while watching hockey on television....

You won’t believe how many foods you don’t need to refrigerate

Has this situation ever happened to you? You go to a friend's house and they leave certain foods out on the counter that you usually put in...

14 new ways to use your microwave

Sold for the first time in 1946, the microwave is now, 70 years later, one of the most used kitchen appliances of all time. It allows you...

5 practical homemade tips for stretching new shoes!

Buying tight shoes happens to the best of us. They seem fine in the store but once we go home and try them on again, we realize...

Here Are 15 Well-kept Secrets About Cruise Ships

Cruising can be intimidating for a novice sailor. Especially since we have all heard more than one cruise ship horror stories. Disparitions, shipwrecks and more... From the...

Everything you need to know to keep your hair perfect during the summer season

The summer season brings its share of joys, but it also brings some disadvantages. Indeed, the heat can be very unpleasant, especially when the mercury rises high. Not...